
               Welcome to Govt. High School, Gurditpura

GHS Gurditpura is located 20 km from Nabha city. It came under DE in the year 2010 and has successfully completed its 2 years and 3rd year is in progress.


     S. Amar Singh 
Headmaster of School

I Feel proud that DE (Digital Equalizer) Program is running in our school. It is a three year program, under this our teacher get training on Pedagogy & Technology. I am very glad to say that now my teacher using technology and Pedagogy tools in their classroom and ensure the overall development of students. Technology enables them to do their routine paper work digitally and helps in their professional growth. Now my students are actively participate in teaching learning process through PBL(Project Based Learning) and activity based classroom.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir, can you please provide me your contact number and mail id. I have something urgent to talk about.

    Gurbax Singh Cheema

    My contact No. is 9814680450
